Jonathan Bray Co-Authors Award Winning Paper "Liquefaction Assessment of Reclaimed Land"

Featured Faculty: Jonathan D. Bray

The New Zealand Society of Earthquake Engineering (NZSEE) has selected the paper "Liquefaction Assessment of Reclaimed Land at CentrePort, Wellington," co-authored by Ribu Dhakal, Misko Cubrinovski, CEE Professor Jonathan Bray, and Christopher de la Torre, to receive the 2023 Otto Glogau award

The award is offered annually to the authors presenting the best paper published in the NZSEE Bulletin during the three years ending June 30 preceding the date of the award. The criteria for selection for the Otto Glogau Award are the merit of the paper and the degree to which the paper advances the objectives of the Society. 

Bray has worked with professors and students at the University of Canterbury to investigate the seismic performance of port facilities in Wellington affected by the 2016 M7.8 Kaikoura earthquake. Their paper has been widely cited and used, with over 1200 views/downloads over the past three years. Their research findings. They provide insights into the characterization of gravelly soils and the seismic performance of constructed fills used to support port operations. Their work was helpful in the reconstruction of the Port of Wellington, which was damaged by the Kaikoura earthquake. Their findings inform engineers working to make U.S. ports seismically resilient.
